Friday, February 20, 2015

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam!

Language: Sanskrit
Meaning:  “The World is one family”.

The original quote is from Hitopadesha. In particular, it is quoted by the cunning Ksudrabudhi(jackal) in the Subudhhi-Chitraanga-Ksudrabhudhi(crow-deer-jackal) story. Also, another reference of it, is in the Jaradhgava-DirghaKarna(Vulture-Cat) story, used by Dirghakarna. (Maybe someday I will writeup but for now click here & here for these stories).

The phrase was used in both the stories by the evil doer. Although the principle of Universal Brotherhood is what that phrase means and what is rightly needed in present times, the actual context of the phrase’s usage seems different. I have a different take on it. Based on my reading on this topic, my assumptions and conclusions, this feels more like a cautious message to not blindly accept any individual without realizing their true nature and intent.

This got me thinking to the kinds of people in our world. You are either one of these or certainly know one. Of course, there are many other kinds, but these are the obvious, on a smaller, personal scale of things. Many a times, we start to wonder and torment our happiness after the fact, instead of either expecting or knowing what to expect before the fact.

This post will hopefully make us aware (and a little wiser?!) so that we can tread carefully with each kind.

1. The sacredSwans
These are those few noble people who mean real good in your life as well as everyone else’s. Pure. You can be assured they will be in your life irrespective of your behavior and treatment towards them. Being around them brings out the best in you. They are your pillars of strength.  Enjoy their company and learn from them. Cherish them.

2. The jealousBandikoots
These are the kind who are filled with jealousy to their brims. Maybe their ego is small, maybe they aren’t as creative or maybe its just in their blood. They want to desperately join your circle because they have none (obviously! d’oh!). They pass rude comments or act in a certain way to piss you off, purposely. Either avoid them altogether or ignore their actions. Show them that they don’t mean a cent, your own happiness is worth millions!

3. The copyCats
 These are the kind who copy everything you do. Meaning EVERYTHING. They have no originality, LOSERS! The copy your style, your ways and do everything that you do, and try to be YOU! What you must understand is that, you are their role-model, so be proud if it! You lead the way, they follow!

4. The givingElephants
They are the first ones to offer help. They have a HUGE heart. These are the blessed people who are really born to give.  (be mindful of those that act but not do). They  are ready to forgo simple pleasures and contribute to the world. Good for them, the world and for you! Learn from them and start giving back!

5. The nonchalantSloths
These are the kind that don’t care about anything. They are the zen masters who have already attained nirvana but just living the mortal life. If you yelled “your house is on fire”, their reply after 2 minutes would be - “fire ? hmm…I see, my house?! No problem”.  Nothing can really “spark” their inner fire. Seek their help to calm your soul not when you want to bungee jump.

6. The braggingDonkeys
These are the kind that have “done it all”. They have traveled the world, raised the most perfect kids, ate at every famous restaurant, can recite the Bible, Quran and Gita, play every sport in the world. Yet, they hang out with ordinary people like us. Dear friends, such people serve as your very own personal stand up comedians. Just sit back and enjoy their talk, maybe with some popcorn.

7. The CunningChamelions
These are the kind that mean business. Only Business. They will be nice to you if they want something. They will trick you into things because they will gain something out of it. It will be hard to categorize them into this kind because they are so cunning, you will not realize their deceit. Selfish ones fall closely into this category as well. But once you realize who these are in your world, stop being their scapegoat and start paying attention to their changing colors!

8. The stingyBoars
You must know at least one of these for sure. These are the people who are so stingy, they save up on 1-ply toilet paper. If they invite you to lunch or dinner, you better eat up and go, otherwise you are sure to starve! They are the fierce fighters that can wait one hour but not give up that one penny to add to their already FAT wallet! Although they realize their stinginess, they convince you and themselves that they are stingy because they do not like to ‘waste’ things. How about you do them a favor, and not ‘waste’ your time around them?!

9. The simpleHumans
These are the real people. They have a balanced head and heart. Not too aggressive, not too passive. Maybe a little bit of all the above but not too much to hurt others. They do a lot of things yet have a list of more things to do. Save for future but also splurge. These are the kind you want to associate with. These are those gems that only time/experience can bring out. So, be on the hunt for these and collect as many.

All of us should put a conscious effort to identify and enjoy each of these kinds in our Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam!

— Your HitopadeshiOwl!

*** You really wished somebody actually spelled these out, didn't you? Thanks. I just did it for you. Go ahead, label your world and be done. From tomorrow, we are all going to be the sacredSwans ;-) !

** My (real) family always told me that I (over) analyze people and that I am good at it. I love doing that. The people around me have shaped me the way I am and continue to do so. I value each and every kind of person that is/was in my life, so should you. This post does not intend to bring out or point out the negativeness surrounding you. This can be treated as pure entertainment or an attempt to point out the many kinds of people that you can choose to either BE or NOT BE .

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