Friday, May 15, 2015

Aham Brahmasmi. Tat Tvam Asi.

~Language: Sanskrit.
~Translation: “I am Brahma(n). Thou art that”
~Meaning: These are very deep and profound mahavakyas from the upanishads in the (advaita) vedanta philosophy.

Someday, probably before another 32 years, I will understand and be able to explain this better.

For now, I’d like to believe in my own Interpretation,
“I have the power to create my own life, my own world, my own universe. I am Brahma. So are you."

And while we are it, ‘Thirty-Two’ top of the mind worldly revelations:

1. For Life’s ups and downs, you need chocolate cake. Keep it handy.
2. Travel before you have kids. Travel MORE after you have kids. (For the BEST hummus go to Acre(Akko) Arab town in Israel.)
3. Saying NO is easier than we think.
4. Kisses and hugs. The more, the better. ‘Exercise’ also miraculously falls into the same list.
5. Thinking dramatic hair cut/style? Do it. Before the hair or the stylist find a better place.
6. Never mix different types of alcohol, eat and smoke hookah immediately after. EVER.
7. There is no greater and true love than that of your Mother.
8. We need to save water. If you have it today, there maybe no tomorrow for it.
9. Believe in KARMA. What goes around, definitely comes back around with a big bang.
10. Give back to the needy. Need is different from want.
11. Keep Calm and look in the mirror. Crow’s feet and gray hair have remedies.
12. Androids are way better then IPhones.
13. Everyone is on Facebook and most of them stalk others.
14. You don’t understand or laugh watching Seinfeld? Go meditate.
15. MEN will not listen to most of what you say. Most of the time.
16. Choose your battles. Thai or Mexican, doesn’t matter. Its just a meal.
17. Listen to more MUSIC. Or develop hobbies. Self therapy.
18. Invest in good friends. They are Forever.
19. You think its done, but there is always a little bit more left in that tube of toothpaste.
20. People always like ‘comforting lies” over “unpleasant truth”. Your choice.
21. Smile more. Smile often.
22. Crocs are for kids. Books are for both kids and adults. I meant Paper Books.
23. Sisters: You can’t live with them or without them.
24. Green tea is super power. It tastes horrible.
25. Labor pain is the "REAL" pain.
26. World is a better place if husbands never say out loud that wives are better cooks than moms.
27. Owning a DSLR doesn’t make you a good photographer.
28. Don’t judge people by the looks. You don’t know their story.
29. Drive a minivan like a minivan. Buy a sportscar if you want to race.
30. Life goes on without farmville. Wish there were more farms. More water for the farms.
31. Know your roots and history.
32. In the end, its all about you, only you and Nothing but You. (Your happiness.)

Thirty Two is the new Twenty One, they said.
I say Thirty Two is Thirty Two, why ruin it. Celebrate it.

* The list is in no particular order and lists only top 32 things that came to my mind before I drive to work.
** My influence into Hindu philosophy is from my paternal side of the family belonging to the Vishishtadvaita school of philosophy.

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